49+ high quality Material Icon Set images of different color and black & white for totally free. With these Material Icon Set resources, you can use for web design, powerpoint presentations, classrooms, and other graphic design purposes.
Full color icons
Books, Learning, Material, Materials, Study Materials Icon
Call Contact, Card, Contact, Phone Book Contact, Phone Card, Phone
Chat, Conversation, Discuss, Discussion, Forum, Help, Talking Icon
Message, Receive A Message, Text, Text Message Icon
Bar, Block, Business, Chart, Finance, Growing, Growth, Icon
Archive, Document, File, Folder, Office, Office Material Icon
Car, Carwash, Wash Icon
Cast Icon
Current, Landscape, Stay Icon
Delete, Design, Material, Profile, Remove, User Icon
Dial, Dialing, Dialpad, Pad Icon
Facebook, Icon, Material Design Icon
Folder Images Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
Folder Videos Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
Harddrive Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
Icon, Instagram, Material Design Icon
Icon, Linkedin, Material Design Icon
Locate, Location, Pin, Pinpoint Icon
Movies Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
Music Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
My Computer Icon Material Iconset Zhoolego
Now, Wallpaper Icon
Paper Project
Black & white icons
Apps, Editor, Grid, Launcher, Line, Material Icon
Add, Line, Material, New, Open, Plus Icon
Bar, Code, Material, Qr, Scan Icon
Business, Material, Plan, Planning, Strategy, Tactics Icon
Action, Add, Create, Design, Material, Plus Icon
Alarm, Check, Clock, Line, Material, On, Time Icon
Arrow, Arrows, Box, Compare, Exchange, Line, Material Icon
Arrow, Data Transfer, Export, Import, Material, Swap Vert Icon
Arrow, Drop Down, Line, Material, Menu, Scroll, Square Icon
Arrow, Enlarge, Launch, Material, Maximize, Open In New Icon
Arrow, Expand All, Full Screen, Material, Maximize, Zoom Out Icon
Arrow, First, Material, Navigation, Next, Page, Skip Icon
Arrow, Last, Material, Navigation, Page, Previous, Skip Icon
Banking, Business, Calculate, Calculator, Finance, Material Icon
Bar, Code, Material, Qr, Qrcode, Scan Icon
Biology, Chain, Code, Design, Dna, Material Icon
Brainstorming, Bulb, Business, Creativity, Idea, Innovation
Business, Diagram, Hierarchy, Management, Material, Organization
Business, Maintenance, Material, Settings, Setup, Tool, Utility Icon
Business, Material, Opportunity, Possibility, Puzzle, Solutions Icon
Calendar, Date, Event, Material, Reminder, Schedule Icon
Certificate, Document, File, Material, Note, Page, Signature Icon
Content, Contract, Document, Edit, Material, Signature Icon
Development, Material, Outline, Project, Settings, Setup Icon
Find, Glass, Magnifier, Magnify, Material, Search Icon
Line, Material, Performance, Speed, Test, Thn
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