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Did you know that drawing is a magic tool with several benefits? It doesn’t matter if you are an experienced artist who has been drawing for years or you just want to start drawing now, you need to know all of these amazing benefits of drawing. What is more, if you haven’t started drawing yet, we guarantee that after reading this article you want to start drawing immediately. In this piece of content, we collected the 10 most amazing benefits of drawing and these are the followings:
Drawing is the perfect tool for you if you want to improve your mental health. In our fast-changing world and especially in the last couple of months taking care of our mental health is crucial. There are many apps on the market that help you relax and meditate but if you are searching for a more natural solution for yourself we highly recommend you to start drawing (if you haven’t started yet).
How does drawing help you improve your mental health? First of all, before you start drawing you have to prepare your tool and drawing materials and this process already helps your brain to relax and let harmful thoughts go. What is more, after the preparation and during the drawing process, you will be able to concentrate only on your artwork and on the process itself. This helps your brain to think nothing but of the process. With this, you can be sure that your brain will start its relaxing processes and take a nice rest.
Another great advantage of drawing is that it helps improve your memory. This part is especially true if you start drawing from your memory, but don’t worry, you don’t have to start with very difficult things (for example drawing a cow from your memory) because there are easier techniques too. For instance, take a vase and put it on your table. Watch the whole figure of the vase for a couple of minutes and then try to sketch it down. After you are ready with your sketch, check the vase again and start making your sketch more detailed. With practicing this little exercise you can be sure that your memory will be improved. The more you practice, the easier this exercise will be. Moreover, after you are able to draw simple objects, you can start drawing more difficult things like animals.
One of the many benefits of drawing is that it helps improve your sense of beauty. As we mentioned above, we live in a fast-changing and fast-moving world and our weekdays are full of disturbance and with this, it is easy to lose our soft skills like the sense of beauty. When you draw daily or even just weekly, you can be sure that your sense of beauty will be improved.
How is it possible? During the drawing process, you have to check all of the details of the object or person you draw. With this, you will be able to lose in the details and find the beauty in the smallest and not so important things too. This process helps you to use this skill not only while you are drawing but also in your everyday life.
Drawing helps you create an amazing fantasy world and it improves your fantasy overall. What is more, it also improves your creativity.
One of the many advantages of drawing is that you can draw not only objects and animals and portraits but also those creatures and fantasy worlds you have in your mind. In one word, you can draw everything you want and this gives your brain true freedom. With this, you will be released from your everyday barriers and your brain will be able to build an amazing fantasy world. This can be super useful when you need creativity in your work or in your personal life.
Are you often impatient? Are you struggling when something is not going on that way you imagined? Are you freaking out when something is not happening as fast as you imagined? Another great advantage of drawing is that it makes you patient and it can help you handle those situations we mentioned above.
How is it possible? Imagine that you start drawing a portrait and something goes wrong, for instance, you are not able to draw your model’s eyes. By this point, you probably feel nervous but you will continue your work. Fortunately, in situations like this, people are more likely to finish what they have started than not and if you practice drawing enough you will be able to transfer your patience into other areas of your life too.
As we mentioned above if you are facing some problems in drawing, but you are able to solve these problems, you will be able to transform your patience or your problem-solving skills into other areas of your life. With this whole process, drawing helps you to be persistent and always finish what you have started. What is more, by improving this soft skill of yours you will be able to perform better at your workplace and achieve your goals easier too.
One of the best advantages of drawing is that it helps you improve your self-confidence. It is a common view that drawing is one of the many skills that every person can improve, what is more, this skill can be improved fast.
You have probably seen many of those photos that show how an artist improved his or her drawing skills during the years. This did not happen accidentally, they practiced a lot and their hands and eyes became more skillful.
As you can see this skill can be improved by everyone it just requires patience and practice and if you succeed your self-confidence will be improved too. For example, imagine that you have never been able to draw a portrait, but after a couple of months of practice, you are able to create a beautiful portrait. How would you feel in this case? We guess that you would be very proud and self-confident.
It is a common view, that in a case not only one but several viewpoints exist and if you see all of them you can be the king of that situation. One of the many benefits of drawing is that it helps improve your abstract thinking, what is more, it helps you see one thing from many different viewpoints.
How is it possible? When you have to draw, for instance, an object, you have to check it from many different angles and with this, you will be able to decide from which viewpoint do you want to draw it. This kind of ritual will become your habit and you won’t even realize that sooner or later you will not only check objects from different angles but also will check situations from different viewpoints at once as well.
Many people cannot express themselves with words and they need another form to do it. What is more, there are those who are able to express themselves with words but they need other ways to do it as well. Drawing is perfect for self-expression and it is available for everyone. What is more, if you have a special goal with drawing (for example, you want to create social critiques or just want to express your opinion) you can do that too.
Last but not least, drawing brings joy into your life and makes you happy. Why do we say that? All creative processes are amazing because they have many advantages, for instance, they help your brain relax, improve your self-confidence, make you patient, and so on, but drawing is a special tool that shows your imagination to the world and starts a communication in a visual way. All of these things make people happy and help everyone to live a fulfilled and joyful life.
All in all, we hope you liked this article and if you want to read more about drawing we recommend you to check our previous article where we collected the best drawing books every artist needs to read. What is more, if you want to start an artist Instagram account, read this article, where we collected useful tips for artists who are just starting their page on Instagram.