How to draw a Bear?

How to draw a Bear?

by Adia Titania Views: 2.15K Steps: 0

A large and strong animal with a thick coat - usually a person imagines the picture of a bear. Often it is liked to be depicted in the illustrations of children's books, as well as the hero of cartoons, giving him amusing clumsiness and kindness. But today we will draw a bear in a completely different way. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to draw a portrait of a bear with a simple pencil. It will be depicted with an open mouth that will allow you to see sharp fangs. With just one pencil and paper, we will draw a realistic menacing growling bear.

Tools and materials:
1. White sheet of paper.
2. A simple pencil.
3. Eraser.

Steps of the work:
Step 1. The portrait of the bear is located in the full face. This is the first thing you need to understand for proper construction. Let's start with the central part of the picture. We will outline the width and height of the mouth of the animal. In mathematical calculations, this will look like this - the width should be in the height of two times:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 2. We add a thickening around, as well as outline the location of the nose:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 3. Against the background, we will draw a general silhouette of the head of the beast. Its shape will be round:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 4. Draw the wrinkles around the bear's neck. The ears will be barely visible due to the inclination of the head. The eyes will be placed on top of both sides of the nose:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 5. We begin to draw details from the nose. The nostrils will be wide open, and under the eyes we add a small crease:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 6. We start working on the mouth. From below and above we will draw two canines, and between them small teeth. We plan the location of the tongue and the rest of the folds:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 7. We impose a tone, determining the darkest places in the drawing - in the mouth and along its contour, as well as the eyes:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 8. We add more contrast. We try to make smooth tone transitions. This is clearly seen in the mouth:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 9. We continue to do the same thing, enhancing the contrast of the picture:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 10. We detail the mouth and teeth of the animal. For a darker tone, you can take a soft simple pencil:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 11. Draw the wool on the nose, it will not be too thick, but we put the strokes on the shape of the nose:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 12. Strengthen the tone of the eyes, approaching the tone of the mouth. The area around the eyes is also covered with hair:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 13. Outline a slight tone of the wool on the head and a neck of the bear, and its dark places:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 14. We continue to work on the wool, applying more strokes in the folds:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 15. Now in full force we will draw the whole surface of the animal's fur:

How to draw a Bear?

Step 16. We smooth the lines, but still leave sharp strokes. Thus we pass the mood of our drawing. Finalize the missed stages:

How to draw a Bear?

This lesson helped us learn how to draw a bear with a pencil, not only in the form of boring illustrations, but also in an emotional image. The main thing is not to limit yourself to basic techniques, but add impulsiveness to drawings. It allows not only to convey the mood, but also to develop its own "convenient" technique.

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