How to draw an Easter Egg?

How to draw an Easter Egg?

by Adia Titania Views: 3.53K Steps: 7

Easter is a christian tradition on which eggs are decorated. Today we will draw a cute Easter egg clipart. So let’s get started!

Step 1:

Draw a simple oval.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 2:

Now draw two curved lines in the upper half of the egg. Now do the same in the lower half part. This will divide the egg into three parts.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 3:

Now in the third part, which is the last one draw slanting lines. And fill the area with it.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 4:

Now draw tiny circles on the lines, you can draw them randomly or in some symmetry.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 5:

Draw 4 irregular oval shapes in the upper most corner and little circles and a curved line on top to fill the blank space.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 6:

In the middle part draw three tiny heart shapes and spirals.

How to draw an Easter Egg?

Step 7:

Remove the intersecting lines in circles in the third portion. And your Easter egg is ready. Now paint it in whatever color you like!

How to draw an Easter Egg?

How to draw an Easter Egg?

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