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How to draw a cartoon Car?

How to draw a cartoon Car?

by Adia Titania Views: 4.64K Steps: 18

As you can see, there is a lot of transportation in the world and one of them is a car. Car is fast transportation that you can drive on your own. But have you watched a car that looks like a living creature? Such as the animation of "Cars" that has eyes and mouth. If you like that kind of car, then let's prepare your paper, pencil, and eraser!


1.           Create an arch and leave a big space below the arch to start creating your car

How to draw a cartoon Car?

2.           Add a line on each edge of the arch just like on the picture to continue the 1st step

How to draw a cartoon Car?

3.           Add another line on each edge, but this time, on the left line, make it longer and drop the line a little bit than on the right

How to draw a cartoon Car?

4.           Then add a short vertical line on each edge so you can start seeing your car from top to bottom

How to draw a cartoon Car?

5.           After that, add a long and almost horizontal line on the left line

How to draw a cartoon Car?

6.           Then, add two arches with a short straight line in between the arch to give space for your car’s tire

How to draw a cartoon Car?

7.           Add a long rectangle in front of the car to make a bumper for your car

How to draw a cartoon Car?

8.           Then, you can start to create two circles on the part for your car’s tires

How to draw a cartoon Car?

9.           Add details like another circle inside and add a short curved line outside the circles to create detail on the center of the tire and also to finish the form of the tire

How to draw a cartoon Car?

10.         Create a rectangle for the windshield. Also, the windshield is going to be a place for the eyes of the car

How to draw a cartoon Car?

11.         As for the side of the car, add a small parallelogram shape to create the side window of your car

How to draw a cartoon Car?

12.         Add several lines from the windshield just like in the pictures to make a firm line shape, so it can also be a guideline for the next detail and the hood

How to draw a cartoon Car?

13.         Create two circles on above of the bumper to create headlights of your car

How to draw a cartoon Car?

14.         Then, create details of your car's door. You can start with creating a line from the upper edge of the windshield to the corner angle on the back car. From that line next to the window, create two straight lines until the lower part of the window. Then after that, create a small two curve line at first before you continue to make straight lines. This to make your car look like having depth and detail. After that, follow the lines of the tires to connect the two lines earlier. Also, don't forget to create the doorknob by making a small rectangle with a curved edge below the window

How to draw a cartoon Car?

15.         Next, Create two oval next to the lower edge of the windshield and several curve lines to create rear view mirrors of your car so your car can see what’s behind it.

How to draw a cartoon Car?

16.         Create two big vertical ovals on the middle of the windshield and also small horizontal near the upper right bigger oval to create shiny big eyes for your car.

How to draw a cartoon Car?

17.         Lastly, add a rectangle but slightly have a curved edge on the bottom edges and two straight vertical lines.

How to draw a cartoon Car?

18.         Don't forget to delete several excessive lines so your car looks neat! Voila, and your Car is done!

How to draw a cartoon Car?

You'll have to be careful about drawing the car because you don't want your car to look dented. But at the same time, when you draw a car would need patience and you'll have fun to create other types of the car if you really like drawing this one.

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